
Hi, I am Ravikesh Yadav
Web Developer Flutter Developer
My Self Ravikesh yadav. i'm graduated from sir MVIT Bangalore in 2019. i'm an Web developer and mobile application developer. I started my career from hurreh technologies as an Web developer Intern. I did my second internship in evineon technologies as web developer then I started my first job in netzary infodynamics as an Web developer and mobile application developer.

Website developement
I design and develop website by using HTML, CSS, JS and Bootstrap

Website Hosting
I do hosting of website on godaddy and AWS

Android App
I design and develop mobile app using dart and flutter
Experiences & Educations
2019 - Working
Web developement
I am working in Netzary infodynamics as a web developer and I used to design frontend of the website and working as a flutter developer also
June-2019 - Aug-2019
Web developement Internship
I worked in Evineon Technology as a web developer. In Evineon Technology, I was working as a Full stack like frontend, backend and hosting of the website.
july-2018 - Aug-2018
Web developement
I working in as intern in Hurreh Technology and In that company, I was doing frontend things only. This was my first internship.
2016 - 2019
BE in Computer Science
After diploma I gave DCET and go admission in Sir MVIT bangalore and completed my graduation in that college. I did three college web project.